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When to come, what you can expect, best seasons, surfspots around, It's all here!

What all you can do at the resort? We listed some activities you can do when you're not surfing!
Are you a Yoga teacher, Surf instructor, Travel agent, Influencer or just a really fun person to hang out with? Just send us a message, tell us what you can do for us and we might do something back for you!

Our youtube series curated to show you the real Mentawai life. No frills, no bull, just surf & lifestyle. Raw. The way we like it.

Where are we located? What does it look like? How are the rooms? What food do we serve? Rates, pricing & ameneties,...

Traveling here takes some preparation and will definitely raise some questions, that's why we made a full Mentawai guide to share our secrets with you!
Looking for a financial and lifestyle investment? Interested in investing in a growing business located on the best surfspot on earth? We're launching an investment opportunity soon! If you're interested just send us a message.
If you have a question, we are 95% sure you'll find the answer on this page!
Yes, we do accept payments in crypto currency! Send us a message to ask for more information.